A.E. Graves' old-school blog. iPhone13 photos; previously: iPhone 7 or 5 photos, topical posts, migrated Google+ posts (2011 to 2019); iPhone 1 photos (Jan 2008 - Sept 2012). My photos copyright A.E.Graves; reviewed/other content copyright remains with their respective creators!
Saturday, May 10, 2014
While too many people are fawning over gadgets that will make nosignificant difference in anyone's life, a chemist...
While too many people are fawning over gadgets that will make no significant difference in anyone's life, a chemist and a designer are making books with filter paper that come in a box and can be used to make water safe for a family to drink for years. How cool is that?
#science #priorities
Originally shared by WIRED
Every year around 3.4 million people die because of contaminated water--often never knowing the drinking water was unsafe. This ingenious solution educates people about clean water AND actually filters the water. It's a book. And its a water filter. It's a breakthrough. http://wired.trib.al/z8tevVW