Saturday, March 18, 2017

Employed people and people who own property are subsidized by US taxpayers, creating a sort of private socialism...

Employed people and people who own property are subsidized by US taxpayers, creating a sort of private socialism which is unequally distributed - and conservatives like that aspect of it!

"Instead, nine years later Congress laid the foundations of the social welfare system we enjoy today. They rejected Truman’s idea of universal private coverage in favor of a program controlled by employers while publicly funded through tax breaks. This plan gave corporations new leverage in negotiating with unions, handing the companies a publicly-financed benefit they could distribute at their discretion.

"No one stated their intention to create a social welfare program for white people, specifically white men, but they didn’t need to. By handing control to employers at a time when virtually every good paying job was reserved for white men the program silently accomplished that goal."

#economics #redistribution #capitalism