Friday, August 9, 2019

SFMoMA Thursday night favorites

So yes: Snøhetta stairs; two scenes from Far Out: Suits, Habs, & Labs for Outer Space (another Apollo 11 tribute), one of various interpretations of spacesuits, the other (the one that looks like lungs) Neri Oxman's Qamar (Moon) Wearable; and lastly, the 7th floor women's restroom, because THOSE COLORS!  (A similar photo kicked off my revival of this blog.)  I find the highly saturated new restrooms irresistible.  Especially the violet one.

Aside: I was there with KP, and he knows several people who have work in the exhibit.  And he didn't know this.  So, Public Service Announcement: If I ever have work of any kind in SFMoMA, I WILL TELL YOU.  I WILL MAKE SUCH NEWS INESCAPABLE.  I WILL ANSWER THE PHONE WITH, "HELLO, HAVE YOU SEEN MY WORK AT SFMOMA - IT IS ON DISPLAY NOW!!"  I WOULD CALL BACK TELEMARKETERS TO YELL THIS TO THEM.  I WOULD EVEN LOG BACK INTO HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE, AWFUL FB TO TELL PEOPLE, THAT'S HOW MUCH I WOULD SHARE IT.   And, you would come to see it, possibly more than once, of course.

Not shown here, but also much enjoyed: New Work by Erin Shirreff (