Sunday, July 14, 2024

Weekend of Colors

Saturday, I compared my new set of Schminke Horadam 9 'exceptional' colors (top) to my standard set of 12 (second down, with sepia omitted - the sets are subtly different in this photo, but more clearly different in person. I'll be able to mix all kinds of colors, now!).  I have a few colors from other brands (the four on the left), since SH half pans used to lack local distributors, and I wanted my favorite pigments for mixing.  I combined my favorites from both SH sets into one tin, but will adjust it as needed for my subjects.

Today (Sunday), I played with the Finetec metallics (bottom image), to get a feel for whether their streakiness can be either utilized or overcome.  Laying down broad washes was challenging (perhaps because this paper is so absorbent), and makes me wonder if I should be using acrylics for these effects instead. (Metallics go down so smoothly in acrylic form.)  I may need to save these paints for line work or limit them to highlights or small areas.  (I also need to decide if I'll add black or silver metallic acrylic ink to these to "finish" them, or if they finished enough.  Hmmmm....)

Summary: I had FUN with colors.