Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Rhapsody in Many Colors, Really

There is a tunnel between concourses B and C in Chicago O'Hare, where Rhapsody in Blue usually plays, and where the tunnel has been turned into a rather successful art installation.  I sent these images to friends who have been to O'Hare, but have never passed through.  It is quite an installation.

Did I mention Chicago (27 August)

I've passed through Chicago, but have never really spent time there.  This is still true, but at least I've been out and about a little bit in downtown.

In Praise of Virgin Hotel Chicago's Design Elements

I was at the Virgin Hotel in Chicago, which took over an older building and preserved its details while adding Virgin's own style.  And that shade of red they love so much.

It was easy to find my room: I just had to look for my ceramic dog.

I was advised to brace myself before entering the bathroom, but she should have told me to brace myself for brightness and delight.  It is a very fashionable yet low-budget strategy!  (And the bathroom remained immaculate.)

Here is a detail from the ceiling.  I think they had new pieces cast, as they were very clean.

There were many other nice details I didn't photograph, but the environment was enjoyable.


Saturday, August 17, 2024

What Feels Like Giant Owl's Clover

Wikipedia tells me it is White Clover, trifolium repens, of some sort.  So huge! So happy in front of my local library, where volunteers are keeping it happy in its pot.

Larger Moth Family

So bright and lovely...  The orchids that came from the office in sympathy for a death in my family bloom gloriously again. 

Monday, August 12, 2024

Fresh mural (11 August 2024)

 Nicely done!

Muni in Aggregate (11 August 2024)

When I was a child, I could read from a very young age, but still assumed the MUNI logo was an abstract symbol.  I am not ashamed of this - I mean, look at it!

Nice job on embedding this in concrete.   

Canna (10 August 2024)

I remembered its name when I photographed it, but forgot it until today.   

Free Palestine (Valencia Wall)(11 August 2024)


Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Ahhhh in Dahlia (10 August 2024)

Golden Gate Park's Dahlia Garden (just east of the Conservatory of Flowers) is in its full glory right now.  I had the pleasure of taking friends there, one of whom had never known it was there.  The colors! The variety of forms! The shapes!  I'm just choose three similar forms for this collage, but it is floral glory right now. 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Polished Ascent (2 August 2024)

It is a long way up from the T platform to Union Square/Powell Station.  I do like the way the polished walls bring down the colors from the station's ceiling art installation.

New York Vibe (1 August 2024)

The tanks on the roof are what do it.  But the style of lacy texture on the facade contributes! 

Old Brick Wall in the Sun (1 August 2024)

The texture of these buildings, the faint painted sign, the segmental arches (structural work over the windows also done in brick), the color variations between the bricks... These are so visually delightful to me!  (And yes, the building can support the modern rooftop structures added later, which are appealing when viewed from Salesforce Park.)

View from Crab Cove (1 August 2024)

The water is surprisingly clear...


Abstract Latté Dove (31 July 2024)

This is a new-to-me barista.  When my regular baristas make my almond milk latte, even if I am chatting with my commute pal I., I can tell who made it by the pattern.  So yes, I have recently ramped up my latte consumption.