A.E. Graves' old-school blog. iPhone13 photos; previously: iPhone 7 or 5 photos, topical posts, migrated Google+ posts (2011 to 2019); iPhone 1 photos (Jan 2008 - Sept 2012). My photos copyright A.E.Graves; reviewed/other content copyright remains with their respective creators!
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Last week’s photo walk as clouds moved in
So, after that power surge destroyed my refrigerator earlier this autumn, I had to reconcile with my film stockpile, which was more than 70 rolls/packs that suddenly thawed. But, I've been working so much and have been so tired, it took until quite recently before I could make a dent.
And then, when I got out for a photo walk with this Polaroid (yes, they relicensed the name again, basically to Impossible America, if I understand correctly) black and white for SX-70s, the clouds came in before I could get out all eight shots.
That next break in the weather will come!