Sunday, December 15, 2024

Camera Test for Lomo'Instant Wide Glass

I really like Fuji Instax film, but actively dislike my Fuji Instax Wide camera - it has never been very sharp, and I've been frequently disappointed with it everywhere other than parties (in which people look better in slightly soft focus anyway)...  So I decided to try Lomo's attempt at this (despite some very mixed past experiences with their cameras).  

But to test it, I decided to take it to a SHINY, TRANSPARENT, REFLECTIVE sculpture.  This... wasn't very wise.  Because: how the hell do you correctly expose such a subject?  Anyway, I figured it out eventually.  The GINORMOUS (oh my gosh - I have dictionaries that are smaller) camera works fine.   And I have some happy memories of goofing around with such a charming installation.