Today was a fun vacation day. I bumped into an old friend! I got to pet friendly bulldogs! I got to take photos! I visited some sculptures I hadn't seen before! I was able to leave the fog belt, and then run back to it in the late afternoon!
I have one defective film pack (I suspect the battery is dead), and I need to decide whether to ask for a replacement, or try to fix it myself. (The odds of me fixing it correctly aren't good, but would be faster than waiting for a replacement...) Hmmm...
Sample of my Duochrome today:
- the previously mentioned Cellular Origami garage by IwamotoScott
- the extremely attractive garage by WRNS Studio on 450 South Street/Warriors Way (and yes, their website has photos from before it was hemmed in by other buildings, so be sure to check those out), and
- the Salesforce Transit Center Bridge (designed by Arup; builders and consultants credited in this document).
I did plan on photographing UCSF's Owens Street Garage, which I've previously described as a place where Darth Vader would park, and I meant that in a good way! It turns out that is also by WRNS Studio. My previous visits (not today) were clouded by wildfire smoke. I'm sure I'll try again another day.